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When are we going to see all the naked pictures Melania posed for before Donnie splashed world-wide? Did they plan for that one?

Posted - November 18, 2016


  • 691
    All the guys looked those up as soon as hearing that they existed. It is old news now.
      November 18, 2016 2:28 PM MST

  • 46117
    Oh okay.  Do you know that there are over 7 billion people on this planet?  All the guys?  That would mean you included ALL of the guys.  I am sure that the Prime Minister of Japan is so envious.  They keep paid women in the closet over there.   Men who take her picture to beat off in the bathroom with?  Those guys? 

    Oh, thanks for putting this in it's proper perspective. How silly of me.  She is very talented.  She knows how to read a copied speech from her husband's oppnents.  Brilliant piece of a...

    Are there any pics of any former first ladies that are naked?  There is a reason.  That would stop anyone else from ever being able to run for office, marrying a tramp, who doesn't have enough sense to cover up when she is pursuing a career.   I am trying to obtain a mere Massage license.  If anything like that was on the internet, I would never get anyone of any dignity to take me seriously.    

    Marrying a woman who poses nude for men's mags is not first lady material.  Sorry.  Especially since they were in men's magazines, not hung up in the Louvre.  This was salacious and pornographic and NOT art. 

    As usual, mules in horses harnesses do not make good leaders.  Bimbo #3 is an embarrassment.  Of course you cannot discern why.  You are a GUY.  I know plenty of guys that would laugh at her idiocy, not say that she is really hot and it's okay.  Only DUMB ASS guys think that way.  This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 18, 2016 2:39 PM MST
      November 18, 2016 2:32 PM MST

  • 46117
    I would love to beat Donald Trump. That is the only beat desire I can muster with that idea.  lOL
      November 18, 2016 2:49 PM MST

  • 691
    Yes I have seen the pictures. It is 2016 and no one cares if she posed nude except as much as to know so they can google the pictures. It is probably harder to find famous woman without her boobs showing somewhere on the internet than with. I have some relatives you would like because they think it horrible if a woman wears pants or a dress that show her figure. I can introduce you to them and you can spend time discussing standards of modesty from a time before I  was born.
      November 18, 2016 8:30 PM MST

  • 46117
    IT pro I think you may not live in this country?  Am I wrong, or else recently came to this country?  We do not allow our Presidents to carry this type of image.  It is not done.  We frown on women in positions of leadership and trust,  a role model for the world to see as OUR choice for a first lady, and women who pose nude in men's magazines are not bad people AT ALL.  But they can be thoughtless people.  It is a trashy persona.  We don't elect men who have bimbos for wives and make them President.  Especially when this person is Donald Trump. A man who has no regard nor respect for the presidency whatsoever, as he has shown us time and time again.          
      November 18, 2016 10:10 PM MST

  • 326
    my favourite pic

    Image result for melania trump pictures
      November 18, 2016 8:32 PM MST